Looks like @Brave browser now has native support for #EthereumClassic.

09 Sep 2023, 19:08
Looks like @Brave browser now has native support for #EthereumClassic! ๐Ÿ€

Same news in other sources

09 Sep 2023, 19:09
CEO = Centralized Executive Officer. Who's the CEO of Ethereum? Who's the CEO of Cardano? Who's the CEO of Solana? Who's the CEO of Tron? Everyone knows. Who's the CEO of Bitcoin? Who's the CEO of Ethereum Classic? Nobody knows. Choose Decentralization. Choose Classic ๐Ÿ€
CEO = Centralized Executive Officer. Who's the CEO of Ethereum. Who's the CEO of Cardano. Who's the CEO of Solana.
CEO = Centralized Executive Officer. Who's the CEO of Ethereum? Who's the CEO of Cardano? Who's the CEO of Solana? Who's the CEO of Tron? Everyone knows. Who's the CEO of Bitcoin? Who's the CEO of Ethereum Classic? Nobody knows. Choose Decentralization. Choose Classic ๐Ÿ€